You are responsible for supplying allrequired information when submitting an order, including complete name,shipping and billing address (no P.O. Boxes), telephone number, valide-mail address, and valid payment method. No responsibility is assumedfor mis-delivery due to incorrect information supplied by a customer.Topher Straus Fine Art reserves the right to refuse or cancel any orderat any time, in which case the customer’s sole remedy is a refund of anypayment(s) made for such order.
It isnot possible to change your order once it has been placed. The onlyexception is the delivery address, which can be changed if your orderhas not yet been shipped. To change the address for an unshipped order,please contact the Topherstraus.com customer service via email attopher@topherstraus.com
Paymentfor any order must be made in advance at the time the order is placed.You may pay for your order by credit card, or by PayPal, or such othermeans as we may in future choose to accept. In the event of a stoppedpayment, disapproved charge or other failure to submit pre-payment,Topher Straus Fine Art shall have the right to cancel the order or, ifalready shipped, to seek payment and hold customer responsible for anyand all costs of collection, including but not limited to reasonableattorneys’ fees, as well as to charge interest at the rate of 1.5% permonth (or the highest allowable rate by law if less than 1.5% per month)until payment is made.
Color Matching
Youacknowledge and understand that (a) colors as seen on a computer monitormay not look the same as the colors as they appear on our manufacturedproduct, and (b) no guarantee is made that any image as seen online willnecessarily match exactly the colors on the final product.
Personal Data
All information submitted by you in connection with any order is governed by our Privacy Policy.
Sales Tax
Applicablesales tax will be added to all orders submitted from Coloradolocations. All others submitted from other State, Sales and Use Taxshould be paid by the Consumer, where required by law.
Deliverytime depends on the shipping option you choose when ordering. Pleaseallow at least 4-6 weeks for your Limited Edition purchases or 1-3 daysfor your retail product to be shipped, plus the shipping time based onthe shipping option you selected. Title and risk of loss for anypurchases pass to you upon our delivery to our carrier. If your printarrives damaged or broken, please contact us! We will happily replaceit, but we’ll need a picture of the damage. Email us attopher@topherstraus.com. Requests must be received within 5 days ofdelivery, and must include a copy of the shipping receipt andphotographic proof of the damage for us to review and make adetermination whether damage in fact occurred during shipping. If weapprove your request for a replacement, we will not charge you for thenew print, but you will be responsible for the costs of returning thedamaged print to us, plus the cost of shipping the new print to you.
Notification of all shipping defects or damage must bemade within 5days of delivery and accompanied by the shipping receiptand photographic proof of the damage for us to review and make adetermination whether damage in fact occurred during shipping.
Exclusionfrom Returns
If your use of our site or services has been terminatedfor violation of these Terms of Sale or our Terms of Use, we may refuseto accept any returns from you.
Allorders and transactions also are subject to the topherstraus.com Termsof Use policy, including, but not limited to, the limitations on damagesand exclusions of warranties set forth therein. The Terms of Use alsoinclude provisions for arbitration of disputes and other important termsyou should review. Descriptions, images, references, features, content,specifications, products, price and availability of any products orservices are subject to change without notice, and our current pricescan be found on our Sites and Apps. No responsibility is assumed for anyerrors in listed prices or other information, all of which we reservethe right to correct. Orders are not final or binding until accepted byus. We reserve the right, with or without prior notice, to limit theavailable quantity of or discontinue any product or service; to honor,or impose conditions on the honoring of, any coupon, coupon code,promotional code or other similar promotions; to bar any user frommaking any or all purchase(s); and/or to refuse to provide any user withany product or service. Topherstraus.com is not responsible for anydelay or failure in delivery due to causes beyond its control,including, but not limited to, acts of god, war, terrorism, embargo,quarantine, accidents, fire, explosion, flood, severe weather, epidemic,riots, civil disturbance, unavailability of labor or transportation orany other similar or dissimilar cause. You are responsible for theproper and safe handling of any prints or other products you order fromus. To the extent allowed by law, topherstraus.com’s liability for anyclaim relating to any product purchased from us is the amount you paidfor the product.